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Cancer-Leo Cusp

Swinging along with the Cusp of Oscillation

by Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

Are you up for a special challenge? Good! Because when sensitive Cancer energy hooks up with dramatic Leo in your birth chart, the result is a wildly swinging pendulum of extreme ups and extreme downs.

Related Article: Sun in Cancer Horoscopes

This doesn't have to be a bad thing, of course, but if you were born between about July 19 to July 25, you were born on the Cancer-Leo Cusp -- and you have some contrary elements in your birth chart that may take some extra discipline to overcome.

Born of a conflicting mix of water and fire, Cancer-Leo cuspers can be shy and sensitive one moment and gregarious drama queens the next. The danger here is that you might be either so sensitive or so insensitive that you'll come across as self-absorbed either way.

Related Article: Sun in Leo Horoscopes

Life's greatest challenge for those born on the Cancer-Leo Cusp, then, is to find a comfortable middle ground between these extremes. To do so will take hard work and self-discipline, but it's doable with meditative activities like yoga or volunteering to help others so you don't become too focused on yourself.

The brighter side of this cosmic combination is that both Cancer and Leo are deeply loving and devoted horoscope signs, so Cancer-Leo cuspers will often form lasting relationships and have great big loving family lives.

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