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All About Leo

July 23 - August 22

by Staff

The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise, you Leos have an air of royalty about you. Some Leos even have hair resembling the thick mane of the Lion. But Lions are more than roar, for they are truly magnificent beasts. The Lioness proudly cares for her young, hunts and takes care of survival with relentless intent and ferocity, when needed. And proud are you Lions! Perhaps that's why you often choose work that puts you center stage or in the spotlight of appreciation.

Leos are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others. You are a magnanimous leader and a faithful servant. Once scorned in love, however, you'll withdraw your affections and the light, once brilliant, can go cold.

Your motto might be "What you see is what you get." You tend to live your live straightforwardly and with a flair for drama. In fact, many Leos are attracted to the theater, the performing arts and public relations, for you truly understand the importance of putting on a good presentation. As you blaze gloriously through your life, remember to take time to acknowledge the feelings of those around you. If you forget, you could unconsciously hurt someone you love. But, if you remain aware of your impact, others can benefit from your presence.

The Leo element is Fire

Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room, and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn't plan it next move; it isn't logical. It is simply in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason, Fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The Fire of Leo is brilliant and intense. It's like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day and whose heat continues to build over a period of time.

Horoscope house: 5th

The 5th house is directly related to children and is associated with any type of childlike activity. Even grown-ups need to play, and this is a function of the 5th house. In fact, all self-expression and creativity comes from this sector. Additionally, this is the House of Romantic Love. Truly, the 5th house could be called the House of Enjoyment.

Leo's key planet: Sun

The Sun is the undisputed king of our little planetary system. He is always in the center. Without his light, there would be no life here on Earth. Although the Su ill. It's like the fuel that fires each of our individual furnaces and gives us cause to live. As the key planet of Leo, the Sun is the symbol of the self and from it stems all individuality and creativity.

Your greatest strength

Your playful and loving nature

Your possible weakness

Your need for approval can become too important

Read today's Leo horoscope »

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