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Gemini Love Compatibility

Calculate the romantic potential of each zodiac sign with Gemini

by Staff

As an easy, breezy Gemini who’s full of fun yet difficult to pin down, you mesh best with fellow Air signs like Libra or Aquarius. You need a clever match who won’t rain on your parade of interesting ideas, playful activities, and non-stop chatter ... so watch out for Water signs!


Gemini and Aries

Gemini and Aries Compatibility Gemini and Aries Compatibility Gemini and Aries Compatibility Gemini and Aries Compatibility Gemini and Aries Compatibility

Your spontaneity mixes well with action-oriented Aries, making a lighthearted and congenial couple. You both usually choose to experience the brighter side of life. Together you contribute your share of delightfulness to the world around you.

Communication is very important to you and, in many ways you actually express your love through ideas and the words used to share them. Your Aries lover, on the other hand, is less inclined to intellectualism and is more tactile and immediate. He or she expresses devotion and love through their willingness to participate and promote pioneering projects with their loved one. Your Aries partner will need some independence and your comings and goings should provide them with enough so they don't feel too constrained by the demands of the relationship.

Will this one last? It's hard to tell, but one thing is certain. You're going to have to make things feel new and exciting for your Aries to hold interest. If your love planet, Venus, is in Aries, then this won't be a problem. You'll be exciting without even trying.

It may take some effort to create long term stability, but you and your Aries friend can inspire each other to invent new and potent ways to express ideas and to lead the way toward a life that you both can enjoy.

Gemini and Taurus

Gemini and Taurus Compatibility Gemini and Taurus Compatibility Gemini and Taurus Compatibility Gemini and Taurus Compatibility Gemini and Taurus Compatibility

Your lighthearted and fast-moving mind finds solid ground to rest upon when you team up with a more practical and levelheaded Taurus. The problem is that you may quickly become bored, unless your Moon is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) or your Mercury is in Taurus.

Regardless of other planetary locations, your fast reflexes and agile constitution is quite different from Taurus' slowly deliberate and determined manner. If you can get past your differences in style, the two of you can really enjoy the company of one another.

Your mate puts you at rest and allows you to stop spinning your wheels, which lets you make better use of your creative potential. Your brilliant abilities flourish as you put your ideas into a solid format that can be shared with others and built upon. On the other hand, you are the sales person who can promote the Taurus' fine reputation and solid integrity. Although your flirtatious nature may irritate your lover, he or she will stand by you through thick and thin, as long as you don't overdo it.

Gemini and Gemini

Gemini and Gemini Compatibility Gemini and Gemini Compatibility Gemini and Gemini Compatibility Gemini and Gemini Compatibility Gemini and Gemini Compatibility

For the most part, people who share the same sun sign have a tremendous amount in common. However, some of the duo sun sign combinations share their traits more harmoniously than others do. As an air Gemini whose restless mind is always moving, you tend to clash a bit more with a fellow Gemini than other zodiacal "twin signs."

You are such a mercurial chatterbox that in an intimate relationship with another Twin, you may be so busy conjuring ideas and clever responses before the other has finished a sentence that you don't really listen to what your equally talkative partner is saying. Needless to say, this can cause problems and may create an agitated atmosphere within the relationship.

If you each have your Moon in a water or earth sign, there is a higher level of compatibility and an easy way beyond this problem. No matter what sign your Moon is in, if you learn to focus on your partner rather than just listening to yourself talk, you can dynamically raise each other to new heights of creative genius and exploration.

Remember, this relationship is a mental one and the sexual attraction here is based on the mutual appreciation of the words you share. Together you can be all talk and no action unless you make a real effort to take care of the practical things in your life.

Gemini and Cancer

Gemini and Cancer Compatibility Gemini and Cancer Compatibility Gemini and Cancer Compatibility Gemini and Cancer Compatibility Gemini and Cancer Compatibility

You are attracted to movement and change. You love parties, meetings, and social engagements-anything where you get to share ideas and exchange words with like-minded people.

Your Cancer lover, on the other hand, is not so driven by a need to interact with others. In fact, he or she is more attracted to security and home-centered activities, finding satisfaction from nurturing family and loved ones rather than interacting with outsiders. Your hard-shelled partner is a tenacious Crab and won't easily let go of the past.

You, on the other hand, are ready for whatever the present may bring. It boils down to the fact that your Cancer lover is an emotional water sign and you live in the airy mental realms, making for different priorities in your everyday lives.

However, if your Venus is in Taurus or Cancer, you'll easily appreciate your partner's stay-at-home attitude. Wherever your other planets are, it is essential for you to learn the value of emotional expression, even if it makes you uncomfortable. You prefer to think about your emotions rather than feeling them. If you can slow down and let the feelings catch up with your thoughts, your sensitive Cancer friend will add meaning and richness to your life.

Ultimately, the two of you find compatibility only if you can find a balance between your feelings and your thoughts.

Gemini and Leo

Gemini and Leo Compatibility Gemini and Leo Compatibility Gemini and Leo Compatibility Gemini and Leo Compatibility Gemini and Leo Compatibility

Let's face it: you love to flirt and play. The good news is that your Leo mate loves to be flirted with and adored. The playful Lion is usually ready for a good time, but will separate work and play more than you do. If you can find a way to bring lighthearted fun into your time together, you can be highly compatible.

Your habit of looking over the fence for greener pastures will not bode well with the possessive Leo, who needs to be the center of your world, along with plenty of immediate attention and applause. You'll have to beware not to hurt your proud Lion's feelings by flaunting interest elsewhere or your Leo will retreat. If your Venus is in Leo, this may not be a problem.

On the upside, your partner will always communicate through his or her heart with generosity and love. There aren't many things better than being loved by a Leo when they are bestowing their grace upon you. Your keen mental wit is attractive to the Leo, but your sarcasm may be too much at times. The long term possibilities here may rest on your willingness to learn the virtues of loving communication.

Gemini and Virgo

Gemini and Virgo Compatibility Gemini and Virgo Compatibility Gemini and Virgo Compatibility Gemini and Virgo Compatibility Gemini and Virgo Compatibility

With Virgo, you may have found your mental match. This can be good news or bad news, for your thinking styles are very different from one another. Both of you are ruled by the planet Mercury, which governs the mental aspects of the personality, creating quite an analytical and heady relationship.

Whereas you are openly expressive and as curious as any cat, your Virgo partner may see you as a bit scattered within your daily focus-or lack of it. If Mercury or Venus is in Taurus in your chart, however, you'll be more focused and compatibility will be much easier. No matter where your other planets are, Virgo can be impatient with you.

Meanwhile, you will probably get annoyed by the nit-picky attitudes of your Virgo mate. His or her personality can be somewhat critical, focusing too much on minute details that you think are irrelevant.

Harmonious activities that you can share involve reading and discussing books, writing projects, movies, puzzles, and talking about politics or intellectual topics. Your Virgo can be as smart as you are and you both appreciate the virtue of intelligence. Romantic interplay involves wit and candor.

Gemini and Libra

Gemini and Libra Compatibility Gemini and Libra Compatibility Gemini and Libra Compatibility Gemini and Libra Compatibility Gemini and Libra Compatibility

This is usually a very good combination, for both you and your Libran love are refined and socially aware. Although you may be a little faster with the clever reply, your partner brings a highly developed sense of grace and style that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

Creativity is important to you, and this relationship offers the possibility of working together in the visual arts, music or writing. You can admire each other's taste in clothing, food, and home environment, although you tend to have more variety than your color-conscious partner. A shared living space works well and would probably include many beautiful books in an atmosphere of sophistication and harmony.

Together, you synchronize your energies into a symphony of beauty, through words and images. Of course, individual relationships are more complex than simple sun signs, and your individual Moon signs can create emotional tensions, depending upon their position.

Since you both love to entertain, this relationship offers much to your friends and family. In fact, your ultimate compatibility may depend upon sharing your social life and in doing so you can shine together in many ways.

Gemini and Scorpio

Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility

Have you ever thought about ice skating on hot lava? You like to glide over the surface without much resistance. On the other hand, your Scorpio lover needs the depth of passion.

Unless your Moon is in Scorpio or another water sign, you'd prefer to treat passion intellectually rather than physically. Regardless, it is very important for this relationship to be given time to grow and mature.

At first impression, your Scorpio friend will think that you are superficial and perhaps even shallow. The truth is that without Venus or Mars in a water sign, you may not be able or willing to fulfill your lover's need for intense feelings and focused attention in communication. Scorpio may be attracted to your quick wit and cleverness, which will give you time to show your deeper stuff.

At first, you may feel exposed and vulnerable by the deep intimate approach of your Scorpio partner, but in time, you can find an attractive meeting place in mental and physical attraction. Sexy Scorpio explores new ways to involve you in passionate interplay, and, in turn, your flirtatiousness responds to the depth of Scorpio's interest with sensual and playful charm and charisma.

Even if you cannot make it last forever, you can experience the intensity of a great love affair.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility

You like movement in your life, in your mind and in your relationships. Your natural curiosity cannot be squelched. With a Sagittarius, you meet someone who is also interested in activity, but the Archer's arrow tends to aim far, so they tend to be attracted to a long journey rather than lots of little trips.

You are most compatible with your Sagittarius within the context of travel, adventure, and exploration. He or she will share your restlessness, and together you are on the move. If Mars in your individual charts are not compatible, you may have difficulty finding common ground for your adventures.

With Sagittarius, you find it easy to be open-minded, and the Archer's global awareness is exciting to you. Together you could plan a climbing expedition, an around-the-world tour, or a biking trip across Europe. In the context of everyday routines, you will be busy conjuring up your next play date or weekend getaway, knowing that your partner will be ready to go. The two of you can keep each other occupied with intelligent conversation and good humor.

This relationship is good for you as your Sagittarian lover tends to bring out the optimistic side of your life. Together, you can create a cheerful and bright home life. You two are quite compatible and can have a lasting and satisfying relationship for many years, although it may not ever feel fully stable.

Gemini and Capricorn

Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility Gemini and Capricorn Compatibility

You are the quick change artist known for your restless mind and clever wit. Your Capricorn lover is steady, conservative and not inclined toward lighthearted cocktail party banter. Your character is very different than the Goat. Whereas you are playful and childlike, searching for ways to communicate and share ideas with others, your Goat is serious and hardworking, preferring to focus on tasks and goals. Bridging the gap between these two, however, can be tremendously rewarding.

Your role in the relationship is to help your Capricorn lighten up the load of everyday life with your usual good cheer and enthusiasm. Meanwhile, your partner can bring practical and steadfast organization into your life.

If Venus or Mars in your chart is compatible with your Capricorn friend's chart, then you will be more receptive to creating a strong foundation between the two of you.

Quiet Capricorn may need to give plenty of attention to the talkative Gemini, learning to appreciate candid conversation and a playful approach to communication.

It will probably be easier for you to allow for the diverse qualities in each other, but if your Goat can loosen up, it is possible for the two of you to merge and join forces, creating a productive relationship with plenty of room for growth and mutual respect.

Gemini and Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility

You love to talk about almost anything, and probably know a little bit about practically everything in the world. Your Aquarian lover, however, may know everything. So, although the two of you can have a wonderful intellectual rapport and love to communicate, your styles are different. You are more flexible.

Your Aquarian mate can be rather rigid. Nonetheless, you like being with your partner, and don't tire of the repartee. Ultimately, you are compatible with Aquarius and can create strong bonds that make you the very best of friends. You are usually willing to engage in fun and entertaining activities, and your Aquarius mate is a great comrade who is willing and ready to try pretty much anything new and different.

You have a persuasive affect on your Aquarius ally and may attempt to talk him or her into delving into previously unexplored avenues. Together, your agile minds prefer to widen the vision by engaging in such topics as outer space, science fiction or anything unusual and intellectually stimulating. This is an enduring platonic union that can turn into romance if the physical attraction is passionate.

It will probably take strong connections between Venus and Mars in your compatibility chart for this relationship to develop in the physical and romantic realms.

Gemini and Pisces

Gemini and Pisces Compatibility Gemini and Pisces Compatibility Gemini and Pisces Compatibility Gemini and Pisces Compatibility Gemini and Pisces Compatibility

You just love the complexity of words, ideas, and verbal communication. In fact, you can tap dance your way through clever conversations as if life was an ongoing cocktail party. Your Pisces lover, however, is dreamy, preferring a quiet world of spiritual thought, exotic imagination, and vivid fantasy.

While you push forward into the world with a confident command of language and versatility, your partner gently leans into new experiences with uncertainty and sensitive compassion. You have to speak outwardly whereas Pisces requires time to reflect inwardly.

As each of you brings a unique personality into this relationship, you will both need to adapt a flexible approach to life. Flexibility is your middle name, but your partner may be difficult for you to read, so you won't know which way to turn. If you have strong contacts between the Moons in your individual charts, you will be more sensitive to each other's needs.

Your fishy friend can teach you how to weave magic and words into ideas with a new awareness and sensitivity. Meanwhile, you encourage your Pisces to rise above the water and to peek out toward a wide and diverse world, helping him or her to discover new vistas of experience and fulfillment.

A mutually satisfying relationship develops as you each adapt to the different approach each other carries into life.

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