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Friendship Compatibility for Virgo

Learn how Virgos can make the best of friends with each sign

by Staff

Virgos appreciate friendships based on intellect and shared interests, but every once in a while it's good for you to make a friend who will drag you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to take risks and try new things!


Virgo and Aries

How did you and Aries ever form a friendship? Well, it probably began at the Ram's behest. This sign loves a challenge and may have sensed that your reserved attitude was a symbol of discernment. By winning your approval, Aries could put yet another feather in their cap. It is true you're discerning and that you're particularly selective about the company you keep. And the reason you've let the Ram into your social circle is simple: their warm enthusiasm. This friend is always quick with a hug, kiss, or "well done"! Aries, on the other hand, admires your hard work and dedication. Yes, you disapprove of their "me first" attitude, while Aries tires of your fussiness. Still, you can have lots of fun engaging in skilled sports like baseball and basketball. The two of you also like working with tools and may enjoy tinkering with cars or fixing broken equipment.

Virgo and Taurus

You and Taurus have a natural affinity for each other. The Bull's loyal and loving nature gives you a great deal of comfort, Meanwhile, your friend appreciates your willingness to pitch in and help whenever they need an extra pair of hands. True, you sometimes think that Taurus is too complacent, while your pal thinks that you're overly neurotic. Still, if you learn to stop pushing the Bull into territories they don't want to explore, Taurus won't sigh quite so much when you check your messages fifteen times in an hour. Since you're both Earth signs, you probably enjoy sports like mountain-climbing and hiking. Gardening is probably another source of pleasure for you, as is pottery.

Virgo and Gemini

You and Gemini are both ruled by the planet Mercury, which blesses you with sharp intellects. That's where the similarities between you end, however. You're serious and stable, while Gemini is light-hearted and changeable. You like working with tangible objects, while The Twins prefer dealing with elusive concepts. You play your cards close to the vest, while your pal wears his or her heart on their sleeve. Actually, it's your differences that draw you to one another. You admire Gemini's quick wit, while your friend admires your ability to solve problems. The two of you probably adore baseball, since it involves endless statistics. Trading stocks could also be another pastime for you. There's a good chance you enjoy writing short stories, too.

Virgo and Cancer

You and Cancer can form a cozy friendship that will last for years. The two of you are homebodies who prefer quiet nights in front of the fire to wild evenings at the local watering hole. You appreciate the Crab's uncanny ability to soothe your frazzled nerves, while Cancer loves how you never forget their birthday or their aversion to olives. True, your pal's propensity for hoarding can get on your nerves, for you need organized simplicity to thrive. Similarly, your refusal to entertain any of Cancer's flights of fancy can put your pal's nose out of joint. For the most part, however, the two of you get along swimmingly. In fact, you may share a fondness for sailing. Growing vegetables could also be a mutual interest. You can also have lots of fun fixing elaborate meals together.

Virgo and Leo

You're a brave soul to take bossy Leo on as a friend, Virgo! Actually, it's not hard to understand your fondness for this sign, as they simply ooze warmth and love. Still, stroking the Lion's ego can get tiresome, especially for a humble creature like you. Similarly, Leo sometimes gets weary of allaying your myriad fears. If you can stay focused on this friend's many strong points -- loyalty, capability and common sense among them -- Leo will pay tribute to your efficiency and reliability. The two of you may share a deep fondness for cats and can probably talk for hours about your pets. Dancing may be another common interest, along with film.

Virgo and Virgo

What a lovely thing to have a fellow Virgo for a friend! You never have to worry about this pal putting a wet glass down on your antique coffee table, or tracking mud over your freshly polished floor. Moreover, Virgo is such a fascinating conversationalist. You can depend on this pal to know all the intricacies of the latest celebrity trial, or summarize this week's best seller without spoiling the ending. The only downside to this friendship is that you sometimes feed each other's insecurities, when you should be encouraging one another to take risks. The two of you are loaded with talent and need to be a little more daring about sharing your gifts with the world. Being out in nature lifts both your spirits. Long bike rides through the countryside could give you great pleasure. Crosswords are probably something of an obsession for you, as are all forms of needlework.

Virgo and Libra

Intelligent Libra makes a most satisfying friend for you, who have an equally prodigious brain. There are some things about your friend that you simply can't understand, however. One is Libra's refusal to deal with anything unpleasant. As far as you're concerned, it's better to face challenges head-on, lest they grow into bigger problems. It's also hard for you to get accustomed to this pal's inability to focus on any one person or subject. Of course, Libra has their problems with, you, too. This sign doesn't appreciate unsolicited advice. Furthermore, people born under the sign of the Scales hate to economize and don't like being scolded for spending money. The best way to tolerate each other's differences is to focus on the activities you both enjoy, like golfing, bird watching and listening to music.

Virgo and Scorpio

Mysterious Scorpio is a tough nut to crack, but if there's anyone who can do it, it's you, Virgo. This sign has a soft spot for you, probably because of your earnest desire to help others. There's nothing fake about you. If you promise to help out at the company picnic, you'll arrive a half hour early with a basket full of goodies, as well as an abundance of plates, cups, cutlery and cleaning supplies. Such dedication is enough to make Scorpio let down their defenses with you. And although it may take you a long time to form a friendship, you will soon perceive that Scorpio has many admirable qualities, including loyalty, persistence and sensitivity. The two of you may share a fondness for exacting sports like archery or gymnastics. Working on puzzles can also be lots of fun for you, as can trading detective novels.

Virgo and Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a fun but trying friend. While you share this sign's love of learning, you can't understand their refusal to settle down. Similarly, the Archer is bewildered by your desire to analyze everything from the mail carrier's hairstyle to the dog's preference for wet food. If you're able to cope with each other's idiosyncrasies, you can both draw great strength from this friendship. Let Sagittarius expand your horizons, whether it's introducing you to an exotic cuisine or accompanying you on a trip abroad. In return, the Archer will welcome your practical advice on getting organized and becoming more efficient. The two of you share a fondness for animals and may enjoy horseback riding. Studying a foreign language together might also be a great source of fun for you, as can painting and drawing.

Virgo and Capricorn

It's no wonder you and Capricorn have such a strong friendship. Both of you are Earth signs, which means you share similar values. Neither one of you is afraid of hard work ... in fact, you're happiest when engaged in some useful task. Similarly, each of you finds comfort in time-honored traditions and like carrying out familiar rituals. Nobody enjoys the holidays more than you and the Goat ... in fact, the two of you probably start preparing for this special time weeks in advance. True, you bristle when Capricorn gets bossy and your pal broods when you point out their mistakes. Still, the two of you have so much in common that these differences seem positively inconsequential. The two of you may share a passion for cross-country skiing, camping and pottery.

Virgo and Aquarius

Nobody can disrupt your life quite the way Aquarius does. So why are you so drawn to this offbeat friend? Because deep down inside, you really crave a bit of excitement. True, you thrive on order and regularity. It gives you pleasure to sort out chaotic atmospheres. After you've finished alphabetizing the contents of your kitchen cupboard, though, you feel a bit let down. Then your Aquarius pal comes breezing in, proposing a midnight swim in the town's reservoir or a nude sprint down Main Street at noon. Will your friend ever convince you to walk on the wild side? Probably not, but you do enjoy watching their antics from a safe distance. Both of you possess keen intellects and may share a fondness for science fiction. Complicated projects like brewing beer, making candles, or blowing glass might also appeal to the two of you.

Virgo and Pisces

Although the Fish is your astrological opposite, the two of you can form a fast friendship. Scatter-brained Pisces actually appreciates your offer to organize their files, while you're grateful when your pal praises your short stories. Sure, it's a drag when your pal shows up half an hour late to the movies. You have to admit, though, that your incessant worrying can make you a trying companion. When your friend tries your patience, remember that you'll never find a better listener. Similarly, Pisces has to admit that you've got a gift for turning their dreams into realities. Your vast differences seem positively minor when engaged in favorite activities like yoga, fishing and ice-skating.

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