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Weekly Love Horoscope

July 27, 2024 - We'll take no prisoners early in the week when it comes to relentlessly pursuing our desires. The Sun will oppose Pluto on Tuesday, creating an energy of extreme power plays that will keep us motivated to dominate, in no uncertain terms. If we're in love, then we're going all in! We want to express love in the most exciting ways possible. If we're turned off by someone, however, we might be quick to take revenge -- especially if we feel betrayed in some way. On Thursday, Mercury enters Virgo, bringing us back to our senses and allowing us to make more productive plans about life and love that serve us in much healthier ways. We're allowed to be discerning. As long as we remember to use our words for constructive feedback and not harsh judgment, our lovers or love interests should appreciate it. On the same day, the Sun will sextile Mars, sending our love lives a surge of energy. We may complete a mutual goal or even spice things up in the bedroom. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!

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