December 1, 2024 - Domestic changes are on the horizon. Thanks to a New Moon on December 1 in your home and family sector, you might think about relocating. It's possible, however, that your spouse or partner is not on the same page you are! That sort of disagreement will complicate any plan. There could also be news from a relative that seems confusing at first, but once Mercury turns direct in your home sector on December 15, it should all start to make sense. Also happening on December 15 is a Full Moon in your career sector. You might hear fulfilling news about a promotion or an honor that's coming your way. Once you've done the work, you can look forward to getting attention for your accomplishments. Single? You should have an opportunity for romance by the end of the month, thanks to a New Moon on December 30 in your true love sector. That said, with Mars turning retrograde in your reclusive 12th house from December 6 until next year, you'll have to get yourself out of hermit mode if you expect anything to get off the ground. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!
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