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Monthly Horoscope

July 1, 2024 - What is home? We're going back to our roots early in the month as a beautiful New Moon in Cancer on July 5 offers the opportunity to plant seeds that nourish security, family, and belonging. This can involve a literal fresh start regarding our living situations, or it may invoke connections with relatives and those we consider part of our tribe. Either way, we'll be reminded that our homes begin in ourselves! Once that foundation is solid, we can be anywhere, anytime, with anyone, and never feel rattled. Still, we might be shaking things up on July 15 as Mars and Uranus conjoin in Taurus, creating an impulsive desire to do something radically different in our lives. Be wary of recklessness, whether it involves your budget, love life, or general adrenaline-hunting. Something that seems delightful in the moment might be very regrettable down the road. Watch out! Mars enters intellectual Gemini on July 20, shifting our ambitions toward more cerebral matters. We'll be amazing at multi-tasking and talking our way out of any trouble. Use this energy for conversations that require thinking on one's feet. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21 is all about business. We've got our focus on our reputation. It's possible that we'll be in the spotlight for a professional or personal achievement. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!

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