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Weekly Love Horoscope

August 3, 2024 - The uncertainties of love will rear their ugly head in one way or another for all of us this week. Venus will square Uranus on Friday, setting off intense wildcard energy. While it can be exhilarating to meet a surprising romantic interest or throw caution to the wind and make a spontaneous move in our love life, it can also feel destabilizing. We might not know where we stand with someone, which can be quite unnerving. Once Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, this gnawing feeling of apprehension may continue growing. A faultfinding, nitpicking mindset could negatively impact our matters of the heart. This won't help our cause if our goal is to thrive in a happy love connection. In fact, it'll probably push love away! Luckily, a gorgeous New Moon in Leo the same day can ignite a romantic spark that's playful, carefree, and much more confident than the Venus in Virgo energy. What we pay the most attention to is what will grow in our lives. Knowing this, we should focus on joy as much as possible. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!

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