September 26, 2024 - Now that the romantic lights have been dimmed, our love life is about to become all sorts of intense! This is all thanks to Venus having sauntered into sultry Scorpio as of Sunday, September 22, where the planet of love will make its presence known all week long. We might take on an "all or nothing" approach to matters of the heart -- if we're invested, we're all in: body, mind, and soul." Yes, that means we'll probably be a little obsessed, but we'll also be extremely loyal. On the opposite spectrum, if someone turns us off, we'll be so disgusted that we'll easily emotionally amputate that person from our life for good! In other news, once Mercury enters partnership-oriented Libra on Thursday, we can focus on the sense of give and take that's necessary for a successful relationship. Making decisions about love or with a partner will be easier. Plus, as Mercury will trine Pluto right before entering Libra, we might find it easy to make a power move about our love life that changes everything for the better. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!
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