January 12, 2025 - A second dose of a "cosmic chill pill" needs to be swallowed this month as we revise our energetic focus. Mars will retrograde out of playful Leo and into Cancer on Monday, creating a need for us to reprioritize our deeper security needs and desires in matters of the heart. What feels like home for us might be changing! Whether we're single or attached, we'll be reminded that our emotional homes ought to be within ourselves, not a romantic partner. Until February 23, when Mars turns direct, we'll be addressing this issue personally and deeply. Mercury enters Capricorn on Wednesday, allowing us to focus on pragmatic conversations in love and relationships. We might make important decisions with a partner about our shared future. And, of course, we'll be continuing the conversation centered around our shared and personal relationship goals. Mars Retrograde will make a perfect trine to Neptune on Sunday, softening the edges of these seemingly abrasive lessons. We'll make strides in our love lives as we more easily focus on faith over fear. Get your Daily Horoscope delivered to your inbox for FREE. Sign up now!
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